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A dance-piece with clay


By Helga Arnalds  and Matteo Fargion

The systems all around us and inside us, like the heartbeat, breathing, splitting of the cells, the rhythm of the day, the rhythm of nature, the habit of waking up, brushing our teeth, and having coffee, all of these repetitions are the triggers for the performance The body is a bowl and especially when the rhythm in these systems goes out of balance. This can be when we lose a loved one, our health, or a volcanic eruption breaks out in our backyard. Something happens that shakes the ground from under our feet and changes everything that follows. Everything we have felt given is not what it was. Summer no longer comes after spring. The body's cells lose their rhythm and go into overdrive. Being alive is not a given anymore. Yet in this uncertainty, something completely new is born.

My body is a bowl abstractly addresses the subject in a non-linear narrative, expressing physical experience through clay and rhythm.

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The 10 Fingers have for years specialized in performances on the border of theater and visual art. The group worked with different materials in their previous performances, such as paper, plastic, or soil, studying their nature and how to give them life on stage through movement and body language. In the performance My Body is a Bowl, the group is working with clay. This time mixing its methods with the methodology of stage artist and composer Matteo Fargion, who brings certain formulas from music composition and transfers them to movement and choreography which fits very well with the working methods of 10 fingers. My Body is a Bowl is a performance for adults, unlike most of the group's previous works

Everything we feel, think, and say we experience in the body. The body remembers everything. It is the bowl that holds all that we are and perceive.

Artistic crew :

Authors: Helga Arnalds and Matteo Fargion,
Co-authors: Eva Signý Berger and Valgerður Rúnarsdóttir
Direction and choreography: Matteo Fargion & Helga Arnalds
Text: Helga Arnalds, Vala Rúnarsdóttir og Eva Signý Berger
Performers: Helga Arnalds and Valgerður Rúnarsdóttir
Set and costume design: Eva Signý Berger and Helga Arnalds
Choreographer: Matteo Fargion in collaboration with Helga Arnalds and Valgerður Rúnarsdóttir
Videos: Eva Signý Berger and Helga Arnalds
Music: Matteo Fargion
Songs: Francesca Fargion
Light design: Ólafur Ágúst Stefánsson
Production: 10 Fingers and MurMur Productions; Ragnheiður Maísól Sturludóttir and Kara Hergils
Photo for poster: Margret Seema Takyar

Pictures from the performance: Björgvin Sigurðarson
Graphic design: Úlfur Arnalds
Bowls: Helga Arnalds, Eva Signý Berger and Valgerður Rúnarsdóttir

My Body is a Bowl is funded by Performing Arts Fund, Artists' Salary Fund and Reykjavík Cultural Fund. 

"Wonderful show - true, sincere and clear." Vigdís Jakobsdóttir, ​ the former director of the Reykjavik Art Festival.


"Beautiful and strong work. I was impressed." Jóna Hlíf Halldórsdóttir, the President of the Association of Icelandic Artists.

"The performance My Body is a Bowl is about what is closest to us and will be neither true nor false, it just is. The question is how we knead the clay. The cells of the body, the heartbeat, the breathing, the cycle of creation and the rhythm of each person's life is addressed. It can come like a thunder out of the blue if this regular rhythm is interrupted. And what happens then? Of course, an infinite number of things happen in every person's life if and when they experience trauma. Then the body's cells can lose their rhythm and go into overdrive…. The chaos can be insurmountable, it seems. But even in those conditions something new can be born. If we manage to knead the clay or wear it on our chest and back like Helga and Valgerður do at certain moments in the performance....

Art practiced with diligence, insight, skill, and endurance and through artistic research improves life and relieves the burden of the body. Art can light torches in the threatening wilderness of the mind, which sometimes does not provide enough light to prevent the cells of the body from finally melting away from constant overturning. There, the contribution of 10 fingers and all the artists participating in making  My Body is a bowl - a dance piece with clay, is important. This is a performance on the border of theater and visual art, or perhaps a performance that combines different art forms under the banner of visual arts. This work is for the sake of beauty and truth, an important message to individuals and society alike." 

Trausti Ólafsson - Víðsjá RÚV - Icelandic National Broadcasting Service.



Nobody here at the end of the day

Nobody here at the end of the day

Just the cold and the weight of the clay

It pushes me back I hold it and sink

My arms spread open like eagles wings


I let go and drift, in the stillness

Gentle, firm, I feel you condense

It’s like breathing in, it’s like breathing out

I run in circles but you hold me down


Like a hand on my chest, a sigh in my ear

You swallow me whole if I come to near

You are like a cloud, unwieldy and stout

No shape no surface no way to get out


And when I stop, I feel your embrace

With no direction I move in your space

Sometimes I stop and feel

Sometimes I stop and feel

This is not quite as it should be

I’ve forgotten myself

I’m in a hole

So fertile and gold 


Sometimes I stop and feel

A void is between us 

A separation 

I’m on the opposite pole

And I’ve no one to hold 


Sometimes I stop and search

My dreams for the answers

But I am floating without moving

I’m in a maze

And I can’t find my way


Sometimes I stop and see

A series of unformed images

But if there’s enough time

Maybe I’ll find

A systematic study of the human kind 

In my unconscious mind

And soon it will be time

And soon it will be time to go through the fire

And after that it won’t change

No, it will never change it will be stuck this way

Forever in the same shape

And after years cracks might start to show

And when it has stiffened and cooled

They will start to spread and we will see instead

The beginnings of the ending 

Oh, we think and we feel but we must grow old 

Of softness and yielding we let go

It will break or burn never to return

Quiet, tired, fading 

Your rhythm helps me 

Your rhythm helps me to find my flow

Your heart beat light, tender sweet and slow

The beat may change but our dance will still find it’s way

We’re moving together in space


Evolving slowly over centuries

We rest so steady in the resting beat

Patterns form on the outside slowly we sink

Blurry and I distinct 


I might prefer swimming in the spring

Is that my rhythm, something I should sing?

Winter’s ending but summer’s not yet begun

So we bow to the warming sun


Eternal languages murmuring 

Are they learned or a discovery 

The air is warmed on the exhale by my body

A cycle of energy

Oh it’s a good feeling 

Oh it’s a good feeling 

It’s a very very good feeling

It reminds us of our childhood

Those happy memories


Playfulness and creativity 

So flexible and free

Oh anything would come from nothing

A kitchen or a tree


We’d stop, observe and just feel it

We’d let it lead the way

Oh we were lost in our laurels 

Head in hands

My Body is a Bowl

My body is a bowl 

It gathers me together

Round alive and murky

Always in your hold


My palms are stacked so high

Like another’s plate of food

Eyes and ears and navel 

Fear and fortitude 


My body is a bowl

it holds me in so near

Angry and uncertain 

Every line is clear 


Thoughts gathering in my mind

Anger, love and sorrow

My heart,  my womb, my veins 

You carry my remains

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